
Welcome to Russ Muller Photography. This site will introduce you to both the art and the artist behind the lens. The menus on the right side of the page will be updated periodically, as new events come along.
Please take a few moments to explore this site, and your comments, feedback and suggestions are always appreciated.
Recent Car Show/Event Photos available HERE
People frequently ask what type of equipment I use. What they are really asking most of the time is "what brand/model of camera/lens do you use?" More often than not, they ask because they think that "bigger, newer, more pixels" equates to a better photo. Truth be told, the equipment is not nearly as important as the person using it. I have taken some great photos with a point-and-shoot camera, and I have thrown away many photos that I have taken with my DSLRs through the years. The hawk to your left was taken using a superzoom point-and-shoot. (Click on the image to see a larger version.)
Looking for high quality, high resolution images to purchase? Please visit my Zenfolio site:
If you'd like to see more of my car-tography, you can see all of my Flickr photos by visiting my Flickr page at: http://www.flickr.com/ucfgrad1999